You can control your creativity

In a time of uncertainty with nerves shot and anxious fears biting our nails, I’m so thankful to immerse myself in one of the few things I can control - my creativity. And so can you!


For years I was stifled with work, family, meetings, events. All of which I cherished and enjoyed but it left me with little to no time for my own voice and art. But now and always, we can find ribbons of grace and beauty in tragedy. We must. And one for me one has been the time to write.

I had to make myself do it at first. This story was rumbling in my head for a month or two. It especially liked to talk to me when I drove listening to Harry Styles and Bones UK (not safe, I know, but honest) and when I would start to wake up (thank you perimenopausal hormones that scream with 5am alarms). But like the stubborn, lovable bitch that I am, I didn’t listen to it.

But one day, tired of bad news and bad people, I had no place left to turn. And I had to make myself do it. Shut my office door, open up my laptop, put on some tunes (y’all know I got to have music!) and jump in. No fear. No audience. Just me and my story. And nirvana!!! My fingers flew across the keyboard - finally free and happy.

There is so much we can’t control. You do what you can and just pray (and I trust karma and time so I’m the eternal optimist).

But you can control your creativity.

Play with it. Trust it. And don’t judge it. Like a best friend.

And it will save you.

Kelly Finley

The Queen Of Spice - Writing hot romance books that heat your cheeks and pages

Fear does not make my decisions


Reading inspires me to write…finally